جامعة الفراهيدي

Students Activities Section


After the establishment of Al-Farahidi University in 2012, the need emerged to nurture students’ talents and make use of their free time in matters that reveal their talents and develop their personalities in artistic, sporting, creative and cultural terms. Similar to Iraqi universities, the Student Activities Department was formed. The department includes a group of holders of higher degrees, Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees, as well as A group of holders of bachelor’s degrees in different specializations.


Managing and organizing sports and artistic activities to support the sports and artistic process inside and outside the university, in addition to the cultural process, by holding seminars, festivals and conferences for Al-Farahidi University students, and raising the level of preparation of the ideal student to serve the nation in the development process by providing the appropriate atmosphere to practice his hobbies, and through the use of built methods. On the modern scientific foundations of higher, cultural and sports development to provide society with scientific and artistic competencies.


1. Refine the youth talents of students, athletically and artistically, and help them develop their talents.
2. Urging students to participate in tournaments, festivals, seminars and conferences to develop their leadership and management spirit.
3. Developing the training and refereeing capabilities of members of the Student Activities Department in all sports and events.
4. Instilling the spirit of self-reliance among our students.


1. Carrying out all physical, sporting, artistic and cultural activities through their management and organization.
2. Developing all sports, artistic and cultural aspects for university students.
3. Proposing new projects that work to achieve social and educational goals in accordance with the characteristics of the university community and in accordance with the law.
4. Keeping up with systematic methods in sports training and technical methods in preparing university teams.
5. Contributing to providing the teams and society with youth energies at all levels.
6. Opening a space to participate in local, university and international events, tournaments and festivals.
7. Exchanging experiences between the lecturers through holding many cultural courses, seminars and conferences.
8. Concluding partnerships, cooperation agreements, and scientific, cultural, sports, and artistic exchange between our university and other Iraqi universities.
9. Contributing to establishing stadiums and holding tournaments in colleges associated with the university’s colleges, departments, and research centers.
10. Contributing to developing the scouting aspect and encouraging the role of leadership among the students of our university.
11. Establishing rehabilitation, treatment and prevention units in the physical therapy and fitness center within the university.

Department Tasks and Duties

The goal of the department is to develop students’ artistic talents, raise their artistic and cultural level, and work to make students benefit from the field of art in other specializations. The benefit of student activities is to invest students’ free time in matters that develop their university personality, and to give art and culture an important role in building bridges of acquaintance and communication with people. Other universities inside and outside Iraq for the purpose of exchanging experiences in their various fields. Among the duties of specialized professors and supervisors of artistic units in the Division of Artistic and Cultural Activities are:
• Supervising the training and lecturing of students.
• Developing an artistic cultural curriculum to develop students’ talents in specific specializations.
• Developing the creative side of students by empowering the student’s ability to use the available senses and the ability to imagine, organize, and link information and shapes in the surrounding environment, discover relationships and laws, and solve problems in that environment.
• Developing an annual curriculum for technical activities in line with the specializations in the department, as well as training programs. All technical units in the colleges of Al-Farahidi University participate in this annual curriculum.